
Cookie Policy_

What are cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies are very small text documents or pieces of code that often contain a unique identification code. When you visit a website or use a mobile application, a computer asks your computer or mobile device for permission to save this file on your computer or mobile device and gain access to the information. Information collected through cookies and similar technologies may include the date and time of your visit and how you use a particular website or mobile application.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies ensure that during your visit to our online store you stay logged in, that all items remain stored in your shopping cart, that you can shop securely and that the website continues to function smoothly. Cookies also ensure that we can see how our website is being used and how we can improve it. In addition, depending on your preferences, our own cookies may be used to present you with targeted advertisements that match your personal interests.

What kind of cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Some of the following actions can be performed using these cookies: - Storing items in a shopping cart for online shopping - Saving your cookie preferences for this website - Saving language preferences - Logging into our portal. We need to check if you are logged in.

Performance Cookies

These cookies are used to collect statistical information about the use of our website, also called analytical cookies. We use this data for website performance and optimization.

Functional cookies

These cookies enable enhanced functionality for visitors to our website. These cookies may be set by our external service providers or by our own website. The following functionalities may or may not be enabled when you accept this category.
- Live chat services

- Watch online videos

- Social media sharing buttons

- Log in to our website with social networks.

Advertising / tracking cookies

These cookies are set by external advertising partners and are used to create profiles and track data on various websites. If you accept these cookies, we may display our advertisements on other websites based on your user profile and preferences. These cookies also store data on how many visitors have viewed or clicked on our ads in order to optimize advertising campaigns.


These cookies are still in the process of being sorted. They will appear in one of the following categories: Necessary, Performance, Functional or Advertising.

How can I disable or delete cookies?

You can opt out of all cookies except the necessary ones. In your browser settings, you can change your settings to ensure that cookies are blocked. Most browsers provide you with an explanation on how to do this in the so-called 'help function'. However, if you block cookies, you may not be able to enjoy all the technical features our website has to offer and it may negatively affect your user experience.

We have made it easier for you to manage your consents.

This is your unique ID:


If you would like to view your consent history, please contact the website administrator.

Your last change of consent was recorded on: 27/8/2024, 14:14

The cookies we use on our website

Updated:10/9/2024, 07:28 am


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can easily change them or withdraw your consent. ieteam.com one year Cookie First Cookie
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can easily change them or withdraw your consent. ieteam.com Persistent Cookie First Local storage
cookiefirst-id This cookie contains your unique ID so that CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website. ieteam.com Persistent Cookie First Local Storage
wires This cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the site. www.ieteam.com Session Cookie


Name Purpose Domain Name Expiration Provider Type
__utma This cookie is set by Google Analytics and is used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics. .ieteam.com 2 years Cookie
__utmb Used by Google Analytics to determine sessions / visits. .ieteam.com 30 minutes Cookie
__utmc This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service that allows website owners to track visitor behavior and measure site performance. It is not used on most sites, but is set to allow interoperability with the previous version of the Google Analytics code. In previous versions, this was used in combination with the __utmb cookie to identify new sessions/visits for returning visitors. .ieteam.com Session Cookie
__utmt Used by Google Analytics. It controls the request rate. .ieteam.com 10 minutes Cookie
__utmz This cookie is set by Google Analytics and allows website administrators to track visitor behavior. This particular cookie identifies the source of traffic so that Google can tell site owners where visitors are coming from when they arrive at their website. .ieteam.com 6 months Cookie
_ga Logs a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Transfer of data to third countries: USA Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, which indicates that your rights as a data subject may be guaranteed. .ieteam.com 2 years Google LLC. Cookie
_ga_******** This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Transfer of data. to third countries: USA Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, which indicates that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. .ieteam.com 2 years Google LLC Cookie


Name Purpose Domain Name Expiration Provider Type
cookie_consent This cookie is used to manage cookie consent. www.ieteam.com one year Cookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth usage. .youtube.com 6 months YouTube Cookie
YSC Record unique IDs and keep statistics on what videos YouTube users have watched. .youtube.com Session YouTube Cookie


Name Purpose Domain Name Expiration Provider Type
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA This cookie is used to track and enrich users' privacy settings on Youtube. .youtube.com 6 months Youtube (Google LLC) Cookie


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
required This cookie has not yet been classified. Our team is working to provide more information. www.ieteam.com one year Cookie

The cookies we use on our website

Last updated:10/9/2024, 07:28 am


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can easily change them or withdraw your consent. ieteam.com one year Cookie First Cookie
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can easily change them or withdraw your consent. ieteam.com Persistent Cookie First Local storage
cookiefirst-id This cookie contains your unique ID so that CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website. ieteam.com Persistent Cookie First Local Storage
wires This cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the site. www.ieteam.com Session Cookie


Name Purpose Domain Name Expiration Provider Type
__utma This cookie is set by Google Analytics and is used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics. .ieteam.com 2 years Cookie
__utmb Used by Google Analytics to determine sessions / visits. .ieteam.com 30 minutes Cookie
__utmc This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service that allows website owners to track visitor behavior and measure site performance. It is not used on most sites, but is set to allow interoperability with the previous version of the Google Analytics code. In previous versions, this was used in combination with the __utmb cookie to identify new sessions/visits for returning visitors. .ieteam.com Session Cookie
__utmt Used by Google Analytics. It controls the request rate. .ieteam.com 10 minutes Cookie
__utmz This cookie is set by Google Analytics and allows website administrators to track visitor behavior. This particular cookie identifies the source of traffic so that Google can tell site owners where visitors are coming from when they arrive at their website. .ieteam.com 6 months Cookie
_ga Logs a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Transfer of data to third countries: USA Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, which indicates that your rights as a data subject may be guaranteed. .ieteam.com 2 years Google LLC. Cookie
_ga_******** This cookie stores a unique ID for a website visitor and tracks how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Transfer of data. to third countries: USA Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, which indicates that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. .ieteam.com 2 years Google LLC Cookie


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
cookie_consent This cookie is used to manage cookie consent. www.ieteam.com one year Cookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth usage. .youtube.com 6 months YouTube Cookie
YSC Record unique IDs and keep statistics on what videos YouTube users have watched. .youtube.com Session YouTube Cookie


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA This cookie is used to track and enrich users' privacy settings on Youtube..youtube.com6 monthsYoutube (Google LLC)Cookie


Name Purpose Domain name Expiration Provider Type
required This cookie has not yet been classified. Our team is working to provide more information. www.ieteam.com one year Cookie