
Protection of personal data_

IETEAM GROUP, S.L. (from now on, IETEAM or the provider) informs the users of its web page https://www.ieteam.com through this Privacy Policy about the treatment and protection of the personal character data of the users that can be obtained through their navigation or contracting of services that they realize in this portal. The use of this website by the user implies the acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

IETEAM adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the established in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relative to the protection of the natural persons with respect to the treatment of personal data and to the free circulation of the same ones.

By means of the registration forms on this website or by sending e-mails, personal data of each user are collected and processed, the processing of which is governed by this Privacy Policy. These data are necessary for the management and maintenance of some of the services provided and are included in the specific files of users of IETEAM services.

The user is obliged to facilitate the truthful, exact and complete data about his identity. The user accepts to provide complete and correct information at all times to IETEAM, and will respond, in any case, of the veracity of the facilitated data, reserving IETEAM the right to exclude from the provided services to any user that has facilitated false, incomplete, inexact or not updated data, without damage of the other legal actions that could be exercised.

- Our commitment also involves explaining to you as a user the following:

- Your data is collected to improve the user experience, serving your interests and needs.

- We are transparent about the information we collect about you and why we collect it.

- Our intention is to provide you with the best possible experience. Therefore, when we use your personal information, we will always do so in compliance with the law, and when necessary, we will ask for your consent.

- We understand that your information belongs to you. Therefore, if you decide not to authorize us to process it, you can ask us to stop processing it.

- Our priority is to ensure your security and to process your data in accordance with European regulations. For more information about the processing of your data, please see the different sections of the privacy policy below:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The person in charge of the treatment of the personal data is IETEAM GROUP, S.L. with NIF B75039297, with social address in Parque empresarial Zuatzu, Edificio Europa. Planta 5, local 3, C.P. 20018 Donostia (Gipuzkoa) and email waitingforyou@ieteam.com

IETEAM commits to apply the computer security measures foreseen in the regulation, with the objective to prevent the access or undue use of the data, its manipulation, deterioration or loss.

What personal data do we gather?

The personal data that the user may provide:

- Name, address and date of birth.

- Telephone number and e-mail address.

- Location.

- Information related to professional experience (resume)

- IP address, date and time you accessed our services, internet browser you use and data about the operating system of your device.

- Any other information or data you choose to share with us.

In some cases, it is mandatory to fill in the registration form to access and enjoy certain services offered on the web; also, not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy makes it impossible to subscribe, register and access certain services on the web, as is the case of access to job offers.

Why and for what purpose do we treat your data?

In IETEAM we treat the information that the interested people facilitate us with the following purposes:

- To manage the shipment of the information that they request us.

- To manage the high of the user in our section of job offers. As a user you will have access to an exclusive space; you will be able to update your CV and follow closely the process of the offers in which you register, receive notifications... you will also enter in selection processes in which we adapt to your needs.

- Develop commercial actions and perform the maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as the management of the services offered through the website and the work of information, being able to perform automatic assessments, profiling and segmentation of customers in order to customize the treatment according to their characteristics and needs and improve the online customer experience.

We inform that the personal data obtained as a result of your registration as a user will be part of the Register of Processing Activities (RAT), which will be updated periodically in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The processing of your data may be based on the following legal bases:

- Consent of the interested party for the contracting of services and registration in the job offers section, for contact forms, requests for information or registration in e-newsletters. Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, since after reading this Privacy Policy the user is informed and, if he/she agrees, can accept it by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as checking a box provided for this purpose.

- Legitimate interest for the processing of data of our customers in direct marketing actions and express consent of the person concerned for all matters relating to automatic assessments and profiling.

- Fulfillment of legal obligations for fraud prevention, communication with public authorities and third party claims.

- In the event that the interested party does not provide the aforementioned data or they are erroneous or inaccurate, we will not be able to respond to your request, making it impossible to provide the requested information or carry out the contracting of services. Therefore, the person in charge of the treatment, IETEAM, will be exonerated of any responsibility that could be derived from the non-execution of the professional assignment or of the consequences that are derived from this inaccurate or erroneous information.

How long do we keep your data?

IETEAM, as responsible for the treatment, commits to store and manage the personal data and information gathered through this web page with the due confidentiality while the commercial and professional relation is maintained and the interested person does not request its suppression, and in its case, for a term not superior to 5 years, counting from the end of the commercial relation established between the user and IETEAM. Nevertheless, the person in charge of the treatment will be able to conserve, properly blocked, the data to attend possible administrative or jurisdictional responsibilities.

Where is your data stored?

In general, the data is stored within the EU. The data that is sent to third parties that do not belong to the EU, we will make sure that they offer a sufficient level of protection.

To which recipients will the data be disclosed?

In general, we will not communicate this personal data to third parties, with the exception that the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor and this is strictly necessary to manage and maintain the relationship between IETEAM and the user, with prior express authorization from the latter. This will be done only during the indispensable time to make possible the execution of the assignment contract, and in the same conditions and with the same responsibility that are demanded to the responsible. Upon completion of the assignment, the processor shall return the personal data to the Controller and delete any copies in its possession. On the other hand, only the third parties with whom IETEAM has a legal or contractual obligation to facilitate them will have the right to access to these personal data, among which are included, for example, the Ombudsman and Judges and Courts interested in the procedures related to the presented claims.

What rights do you have and how can you exercise them?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation on if in IETEAM we are treating personal data that concern them, or not.

The interested people have right to if to accede to their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of the inaccurate data or, in their case, to request their suppression when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes that were gathered. In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties will be able to oppose to the treatment of their data. IETEAM will stop treating the data, except for imperious legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. The user will have the right to the portability, that is to say, to that the personal data that had facilitated, are transmitted directly to another responsible in structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, when technically possible.

The owner of the data, or his legal representative, proving his identity, may exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an email to waitingforyou@ieteam.com or by post to: Parque Empresarial Zuatzu. Edificio Europa Planta 5, Local 3 C.P. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Phone (+34) 943 536 124

You can obtain additional information about your rights from the Spanish Data Protection Agency at http://www.agpd.es or the corresponding authority in the country where you are located. When the holder of the rights has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of the same, he/she can claim the assistance of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (or the corresponding authority) so that the exercise of his/her rights is effective, by filing a Claim for Protection of Rights (http://www.agpd.es).

How do we use cookies?

IETEAM's website and RRSS use cookies, for the purposes of optimizing and personalizing your browsing on it. Cookies are physical files of information that are hosted in the user's own terminal, the information collected through cookies serves to facilitate the user's navigation through the portal and optimize the browsing experience. The data collected through cookies may be shared with the creators of the same, but in no case the information obtained by them will be associated with personal data or data that can identify the user. However, if the user does not want cookies to be installed on your hard drive, you can configure your browser to prevent the installation of these files. For more information see our Cookies Policy.

Links to other websites

This website may contain links to other websites. By clicking on one of these links and accessing an external website, the visit will be subject to the privacy policy of said website, and IETEAM shall not be held responsible for its privacy policy.

What security measures do we apply to protect your personal data?

IETEAM has adopted the security levels of protection of the Personal Data legally required, and tries to install those other means and additional technical measures to its reach to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data facilitated to IE TEAM.

IETEAM is not responsible for hypothetical damages or prejudices that could be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operative functioning of this electronic system, motivated by causes beyond IETEAM's control; delays or blockages in the use of the present electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Center, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damages that could be caused by third parties by means of illegitimate intromissions out of IETEAM's control. Nevertheless, the user must be conscious that the security measures in Internet are not impregnable.

Can the privacy policy be modified?

This privacy policy can be modified. We recommend that you review the privacy policy periodically.