
Management System Policy_

ieTeam provides consulting services to organizations and individuals in strategy, internationalization, search and selection of people, as well as support to entrepreneurship with an approach based on:

- Think: Inspiring ideas. Open doors. Believing that it is possible. Asking new questions to achieve new solutions. Thinking to build futures with impact. And from there, connect.

- Connect: Connect people with markets, people with ideas, people with projects, people with ways of doing things, people with people, ...

- Plan: Organize a strategy for companies and for talent. To provide solutions for their internationalization and competitiveness. Use our expertise and the synergies we manage to establish transversal, relevant, tangible plans that contribute to improve your business.

- Do: And put it all into practice. Make it effective. Help to make the complex simple and, above all, make it real, applying creativity and transferring illusion, because, in short, we are action consultants.

To this end, we have established this Management Policy for our Management System based on ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) standards, with the full support of our management for the following principles:

- We define our strategy and context by establishing and reviewing our objectives aimed at continuous improvement in the management of the quality of the service we provide, the occupational health and safety of our people and the protection of the environment, preventing pollution, damage and deterioration of people's health, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions.

- People are the pillar of our activity and that is why we take care of their welfare, training, internal communication and mutual support of the whole team of professionals that make up ieteam.

- We are committed to the fulfillment of the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to us, as well as those we voluntarily adopt.

- We have adequate means and technically competent, integral and responsible personnel, so that, guaranteeing their training, consultation and participation, their support is achieved so that the management system is properly developed, eliminating the dangers and minimizing the labor risks, evaluating in advance the potential repercussions on the safety and health of the people and the environment of all our activity in order to adopt the required preventive measures.

- We seek in all cases the satisfaction of our clients, from whom we need their feedback so that we can continuously improve the services we provide.

Iñigo Ugarte - General Manager